Craig Pepper
February 1, 2023
9 min read

The Ultimate Cyber Essentials Implementation Guide

Cyber Essentials Plus is a certification program that helps organisations protect themselves against common cyber threats. The program includes a set of security controls that organisations can implement to improve their overall cybersecurity posture. This guide will provide how we'll work in partnership to implement a step by step plan for achieving Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

Step 1: Assess your current security posture

Before implementing any new security controls, it's important to understand your organisation's current security posture. This includes identifying any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your existing systems and processes. Our expert will go through all of this with you.

Step 2: Identify your organization's critical assets

With our expert you'll Identify the assets that are critical to your organisation's operations. These assets could include sensitive data, IT systems, and other resources that are essential to your organisation's survival.

Step 3: Implement the five technical controls

The Cyber Essentials Plus program requires organisations to implement five technical controls:

  • Firewalls: Implement firewalls to protect your organisation's networks and systems from unauthorised access.
  • Secure Configuration: Ensure that your systems are configured securely, including hardening operating systems, applications, and other software.
  • Access Control: Implement user access controls to ensure that only authorised users have access to sensitive data and systems.
  • Malware Protection: Implement malware protection to detect and prevent malware from entering your organisation's systems.
  • Patch Management: Regularly update and patch all software and systems to ensure they are secure.

Don't worry you'll have your expert with you, supporting you for every step.

Step 4: Implement the two process controls

The Cyber Essentials Plus program also requires organisations to implement two process controls:

  • Secure Internet Gateways: Implement secure internet gateways to protect your organisation from internet-based threats.
  • Email Filtering: Implement email filtering to detect and prevent spam and malicious emails from entering your organisation's systems.

Again we'll be supporting you with this.

Step 5: Test and verify your security controls

Once you have implemented the required security controls, it is important to test and verify that they are working as intended. This includes one of our experts conducting regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing.

Step 6: Maintain and monitor your security controls

It is important to maintain and monitor your security controls on an ongoing basis. This includes regularly reviewing and updating your security policies, performing regular security audits, and monitoring for security incidents. We'll be working closely with you to make sure this is maintained.

Step 7: Get certified

Once you have implemented the required security controls and have demonstrated that they are working as intended, you can apply for Cyber Essentials Plus certification. The certification process includes a remote assessment and self-assessment questionnaire. This will be carried out by or certified cyber essentials assessor.

Implementing Cyber Essentials Plus can help organisations protect themselves against common cyber threats and improve their overall cybersecurity posture. By following the steps outlined in this guide, organisations can achieve Cyber Essentials Plus certification and demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity.

Get in touch to team up with us and become cyber essentials certified.

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